Fitness Mantra , Keeping Fit at all Ages,

  Keeping Fit at all Ages:


How to maintain your independence, increase your quality of life, and age gracefully by getting your body to function the way you want it to.

Think of your body like a house: it’s only as good as it’s foundation. If the foundation starts to deteriorate, the whole structure becomes unreliable.


Your lower body is that foundation.


It’s the base of support for all your daily movements from walking and sitting to climbing stairs, gardening, and playing with the grandkids. It can be shaky and unstable or strong and secure—it all depends on how you look after it.

How Gentle Lower Body Strengthening helps improve all aspects of daily living:

1.  Building Strength & Endurance              

Strength training activates our muscle fibers which cause them to grow. By increasing our lower body muscles, we have more strength to be able to stand longer, get up and down on chairs easier, and even climb stairs better.

Simply push up even with support can be a good start

2.  Improving Mobility

Getting from place to place depends almost entirely on your lower body. By keeping those muscles strong it allows you to move easier, with less pain and fewer restrictions so you can walk further, last longer and take less time to get there- Simple stretches will be good enough.


Improving Balance & Agility for Reduced Risk Of Falling

Your entire body is stabilized by your lower body. By strengthening these large muscle groups you’ll have more stability for better balance which allows you to move more freely without falling while being nimble enough to catch yourself if you do stumble.

Balancing in one leg is very effective.

4.  Maintaining Bone Density

Our bones are living tissues that change in response to the forces put on it. By strength training, our bones adapt by building more bone and becoming denser which reduces the risk of bone fractures and breaks.

5.  Increases Flexibility and Range Of Motion

These gentle exercises release the tension in your muscles, allowing them to reach further and stretch more so you can bend over to put on your shoes, walk with a smoother, unrestricted gait, and move with greater confidence.

6. Maintain independence in performing Activities of Daily Life.

When you put all these benefits together, what you get is a better ability to maintain your independence and function better day-to-day. Whether you love golf or gardening, or you just want to be able to take the stairs, lower body strength training will let you enjoy your hobbies again and get your life back.


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